Spank Rock
dirty bmore club crunk danceshit

A little while ago,
Ninja Tune announced:
If the future of Big Dada could be summed up in one word, survey says “DURRRTAY”. While before they had the UK hipster hip hop scene covered with Roots Manuva and Ty; now the label is getting some looks for bringing out the bleeding-edge sweaty club sound. Their current roster shines with Philly’s
Diplo (who’s been awfully quiet lately), France’s
TTC, and Baltimore’s
Spank Rock. The xxxplicit “Put That Pussy On Me” spits hot lyrics over a Snoop Dogg vs Beach Boys mash. The just released “Backyard Betty” has tweaky synths chirping over a mile-wide fuzzy bass sine-wave.
“Cutting edge without really caring; phenomenally rude without even meaning to be.“
Spank Rock – Put That Pussy On Me
Spank Rock – Backyard Betty
buy this cd
Posted by Paul Irish
on Friday, December 9th, 2005 under dance.
These tracks were seriously disappointing. The ‘pussy on me’ track was not only using bad recycled beats, but it sounded like something my neighbor produces when not even trying.
For a label that supports Ty and Roots Manuva (who are quality) this two-track sample was way off the mark. Immediately deleted from my hard drive.
Well, Diplo’s Florida on Big dada was nothing DURRRTY, and the next LP on BD is a big questionmark (see recent interviews). I also wouldn’t call TTC dirty… Weird? YES! Bouncy/sweaty? Nope, too weird for that…
Funny Spank Rock tunes though, thanks!
They fucking suck.
Yeah I was totally putting it up to see if ya’ll are actually listening to the music. Just had to test you.
Haha, not really. I’m deep into this stuff myself, but it’s obvious how far this music is from ‘typical’ aurgasm fare; so I can understand why so many of ya’ll aren’t diggin.
But you know, it’s a new sound that is underdeveloped and emerging right now. That alone makes it worthwhile enough to listen to, regardless of your taste and judgement of its worth.
Backyard Betty was slightly less annoying and trite, but only marginally. Also deleted – not trashed, deleted. I feel cleaner now.
lighten up people. the phenomenal overuse of and fascination with the word “pussy” give these songs the contagious feel of classics like “Face down ass up..” quick beat and lyrics you regret singing along to. Drop the front and enjoy something ridiculous for a change.
I would agree that the sound is underdeveloped, but it doesn’t seem like it has anything new to offer. It’s just crap. You could only get away with this mindless repetition in a club where you are more focused on the sweat body chaffing you.
Oh, and mylime, it’s not catchy at all. The only part that could make it possibly catchy is hearing the same god damn thing 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times in a row.
oh hey anonymous. who said catchy? contagion implies disease and an infection that spreads and I don’t think referring to something as reminiscent of face down ass up, the worst most offensive, most repititious song ever, is exactly complimentary. I’m just saying the hipster pretension rate was getting far too elevated in this little page. Something that you yourself have just added to. Thank you anonymous for being ridiculous in imposing your pomposity on this little song that never really took itself seriously in the first place.
paul irish has it right
although the sound isnt quite underdeveloped (been around for a while), but it definitely is emerging
anyways, the music is fun, its about partying, get out of your bedrooms haters
This is definitely the baltimore sound, but far from the best example of it. I’m fortunate to live in the broadcast area of 92Q and on weekends they do live club mixes that are much better than these tracks. Never heard anything like it anywhere else. Good to see it catching on outside MD though.
Sounds cool, nick. Be a pal and capture one K-Swift’s mixes for me. I’d love to hear it.
Backyard Betty reminds me a little bit of the super-minimalist style that’s blowing up in hip-hop…like Juelz Santana’s “There It Go (The Whistle Song)”, David Banner’s “Play”, and the Ying Yang Twins “Wait”. You might not like ’em, but it’s a new sound and so different from the big-dollar beats 50 and the others are all about. Snoop’s “Drop It Like It’s Hot” was the first track where this hyper-minimal sound blew up…
For all the snotty snarky scenesters, I normally listen to stuff other than dirty hip-hop. Good stuff. But sometimes it’s just fun, so give it a chance.
“put that pussy on me” is the greatest party song of the year. you need to have a sense of humor/irony to appreciate it, but it’s really an incredible song. i can’t wait for their full length.
wow… TTC is dirty as hell, the Cuiziner mixtape was fire. Diplo has not been quiet lately.. he’s been spitting out remixes like a fiend, just most of them dont seem to be coming out. and Spankrock is the truth. i dunno what ya’ll are talkin about.
Cuzinier’s got Pour Les Filles Vol 2 coming out in March.. Shit is gonna be fire.
Spank Rock is definitely the truth.
All y’all haters don’t have a sense of humor. This is dance music.
We’re featuring baltimore music all this week on Dailysonic. check it.
Mang, y’all Taxpayers need to listen up:
Y’all can hate now, but next time you’re in a club and that Interpol song is followed by SpankRo, I’m gonna put down money that you’ll take ya custom ass NIKE Lab Dunks out on that floor and grind on a shawwty just like everyone else. SHUT YA MOUTH befor WE SLAP YA HEAD BACK FORWARD. Like Spanrock said “You’re totally missing out on what it means to be an artist.”
I just want to say that the post directly above this one may be the funniest comment I have ever read on an MP3 blog.
makes me wanna grab my fuck stick
this shit is the jam.
all the haters can just go. away.
i’ll be over here dancing.
Perfect for the bedroom haha! And that’s the truth.
Spank Rock is soooo good. They’re coming back to Miami next weekend and I can’t wait. Get this Spank Rock story in Ignore Magazine if you want the real dilly. Shit is bananas. Their singer Naeem is cute as hell.
oo dat pussy gets dent!! spank rock original!!
I think these folk rock, kick it.
Spankrock are the future. Filthy, dirty, funky, rocky, punky, housey wickedness. Yoyoyoyoyoyo is the best album of the year by a mile.
hey well i like spank you have to be able to love that raw sound one of my fav is screwville the whole ideea for musicans like him is to be that raw sound if you dont like it get the fuck on and stop talkin
The originator of “put your pussy on me”truly has talent, I can always spot genius when hear it. This is the ONLY song on my entire ipod that revives me and keeps me going when Im working out, when supposedly there are more successful songs which should. I love the classic Californian beach tune with the modern beat.. To the commenter that naively thinks his neighbor can “create this without thinking”. HARDLY. If so, he already would have!!Its much easier to say that after the song’s been born. Anyone can say that then. Kudos I say to the originator of this song!! As I can tell you have a well of genius in there, just keep working on more songs. BTWthe song would have been more popular if it had been less explicit but oh well. Ijust love this song, please make similar!!
I know talent, afterall, they don’t call me amadeus for nothing.
BTW its ironic if this is the “baltimore sound” as its nowhere near California and there is a HEAVY california influence in the song.
No doubt an homage of sorts to the beach boys.
“Put that pussy on me” is Ridiculous. Ridiculously Funny! Stop Over-analyzing it and just enjoy the beat! Otherwise, go find something else to listen to and don’t waste your time posting negative comments. They do no one good.