Ethan Goldhammer & S. Burke

video art // electro funk

More and more, I’ve noticed I’m absorbing great music via video; the Carl Sagan ‘A Glorious Dawn’ video is an addictive example. VJ’s are demanded for parties, Processing and OpenFrameworks are making it easier to create, and now video appears to be the preferred medium for delivering audio online. Above, Ethan deftly blends oscilloscope visuals with light paint and timelapse, while underneath burbles some glitchy and fuzzy funk. Thanks to my friends at Echonest for the tip.

A funk and Rhodes lover’s wet dream.

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12 Responses to “Ethan Goldhammer & S. Burke”

  1. Wilbur :

    Whoa hey you guys finally updated, awesome. Let’s get on a better than once-a-month schedule, huh?

  2. Paul Irish :

    Heh yah. We’re working on that. Julija actually just moved to Seattle and hasn’t had internet for a month so that’s one of our myriad of excuses. :P

  3. John :

    Amazing stuff. Perfectly crafted. Anywhere I can buy/download this? Amazon returned nothing and I just hate iTunes.

    And I’m gonna go ahead and agree with Wilbur, haha. Congrats to Jujila, though!

  4. Akke :

    This is amazing!

  5. smugglejuggle :

    yay! new post.
    finally son. and an awesome on at that.
    looking forward to next one, thanks every one in the team.


  6. Jaron :

    This has to be one of my favorite things ever posted here.Thanks.

  7. duplex :

    Hi there,

    thanks a lot for this share, amazing video, I didn’t know this artist.In my bookmarks now !
    I found several weeks ago a video made by Edgar Macguyon in New York near the Hudson River : click on my website to see it (in french).
    A king of mood for jazz.

  8. Paul Irish :

    Nice stuff duplex. lovely.

  9. Paul :

    One fo the most creative compositions I have experienced in years… since Peter Gabriel and Herbie Hancock.
    Love it… Great experience.

  10. Kristin L. :

    This is amazing O.O

  11. geqo :

    Love it. Beginning part of the video is the best part :D

  12. Alexandra :

    Thank you for this great discovery. Absolutly amazing! Will listen to this over and over again.