minimal // melodic // laptop folk

Stirring itself amongst the air molecules, Inch-Time’s music seems to honor the air that carries it. It treats the medium as a character in the music. Aussie
Stefan Panczak (currently based in London) wields a precise production of organic and natural sampled sounds. He released this single early 2006 and has since released his LP on UK label
Static Caravan. “Icicles & Snowflakes” peeked out at me from the recent Jazzanova & Resoul compilation
Secret Love 3.
A deliberate leak from your speakers.
Inch-Time – Icicles & Snowflakes
buy this cd
Posted by Paul Irish
on Monday, January 22nd, 2007 under folk.
Awesomeness. Thanks.
Inusitado, sutil e melancólico.
I’m glad that finally, there are people writing about Inch-Time. Well done and a great sample choice.
This is quite pretty and well done. Reminds me of some Robert Rich. Tasteful.
Oh wow, this is terrific! Thank you.
Exquisite – really lovely atmosphere & textures. Many thanks for posting!
This is cool, except for the fact that the high scratchy part makes me think my neck bones are creaking.
THis is great stuff. Thanks for posting.