vocal downtempo // trip hop // eastern influence

I don’t know how it happened, but I swear my music taste is far more European than American. Music from Reykjavik, Copenhagen, and Brighton excites me much more than another band from the US – and I fear it’s not the innate exoticism of foreign entertainment. I suppose there may be different goals – music that aims to be beautiful, music meant to express thought, music to shake your ass to. Each culture exudes music that reflects it. I was introduced to Mig by my favorite Frenchman, Garrincha from
Orchestrated Rise To Fall. The french group creates a warm sound that blends eastern elements and western sophistication, highlighted nicely in these tracks. They mix together wistful Nelly Furtado-like vocals and a soulful body of sound: naked acoustic guitar, synthesized electronic accoutrements, and a round bassline.
Morcheeba in the Middle East.
Mig – Concrete Jungle
Mig – Au nord de mon enfance
buy this cd
Posted by Paul Irish
on Sunday, November 20th, 2005 under electronic.
I really want to buy this but I can only seem to find it on Amazon france. Anyone know a better place, like a pay-for-download site online or something?
Yeah, definitely not the easiest CD to find a legal copy of…
A couple more being sold here, pretty expensive,.. same here.
It’s not on iTunes, but I dont know about Rhapsody or Y!Music…
paul, nice post.
Sat ’75
Paul, you should use a search box in your site…of course, this is just a suggestion. I love this site.
Your wish is my command. We now have search. :-]
Really good posting. Feeling “Au nord de mon enfance” a little more than “concrete jungle”
Glad to see you liked it … For those of you interested and diggin’ the singer’s voice, she also sings with a band called “Gnawa Diffusion” (the Gnawas being traditionnal musicians from southern morocco).
Virtuosity is often pleasant-sounding, over here we may be too used to making money off the recordings vs. the performance. Check out the US bands Fishtank and Balkanarama before settling on that though! Also Dolly Parton’s bluegrass release a little while back.
ahhh I know this group about a long time, because I’m french and in france some people like this group.
I’ve known this band for about 2 years now and seen them twice live…
A really nice album! Thanks for that post! I’m pleased to see they getting some coverage! ;D
I owe this post for making me discover this band (and this blog!). I *love* the Concrete Jungle cover, it’s amazing, much better than the original for me (sorry Bob!). I had to get the album from Fnac right after listening to these clips. It’s so good. So, thank you!
(Just in case you’re curious, I came to this post from here which in turn was found through some new bookmark service I don’t remember.)