
french acoustic // soul

Zaz’s (Isabelle Geoffroy) music reminds me of Caro Emerald’s. Her voice however, is completely different and quite unlike the mellow sultry voice of Caro – and the songs demand that. Her music evokes vintage nostalgia, with passion and zest. “Je Veux” and “Ni Oui Ni Non” express this perfectly.

Post contributed by Divya Manian. Thx to Pixlux for a simultaneous recc. :)
Passionate, romantic, peppy.
Zaz – Je Veux
+ Purchase/Visit

19 Responses to “Zaz”

  1. Wim Leers :

    Fantastique! :)

  2. james mcsparron :

    A french Emelda May. Var Gud

  3. Ryan :

    “Je veux” cet album!

  4. Olivier :

    That’s really funny. In France, she’s sort of the equivalent of a really crap Justin Bieber- a fake punk, over-marketed by the worst main TV channel one can have.

  5. patrick :

    Translate to French: You should learn how to play the trumpet. because a muted trumpet with the guitar would sound great where those doo doo’s go. just whip it out when your not singing.

    outstanding i must say.

  6. mas raden :

    very good video, thanks for sharing
    i like it
    greeting from mas raden

  7. dani* :

    Great voice!

  8. Chris :

    Can I recommend this video – the double bass is amazing. Interesting that she’s not serious/poppy in France – I just love her voice though.

  9. Tom McColo :

    Awesome voice, got to hear more of it

  10. Diana De La Roche :

    I love it!!!!
    since now my favorite one! :)

  11. Sjoerd :

    Haa! ZaZ is so cool. Why didn’t I think to write this for aurgasm ;-) Anyway, glad that she’s been written about now. ZaZ trumps Caro imho. Although I like both a lot.

  12. Nikita :

    OUTSTANDING!, found it on stumble, replayed it 4 times, absolutely love it (first time i’ve enjoyed something enough to post an online comment)

  13. Random :

    Please dont use words such as “outstanding”, “amazing”, “great” about Zaz. Just as Olivier said, Zaz is nothing more than a joke. The lyrics are hilariously awful and I realy feel bad for french music every time I hear this song.

  14. Rachel Adell :

    You kiddin me right now? I have full body chills right now. This girl has got spirit, I have no idea what she’s saying-but I feel completely convinced and included in on the party!

  15. Swax :

    Do not worry, it’s probably compatriots (I’m French). They tend to be jealous of anyone who succeeds, it’s like that in France.

  16. саша :

    отлично поёт ниче не сказать!

  17. Влад :

    ништяк :)

  18. Catlain :

    суперский голос)))

  19. Alexandr :

    Удивительно. А почему бы просто не сказать что это просто очень харизматично. Просто цепляет и все. Причем всем и голосом и непосредственным видом. Почему обязательно нужно все систематизировать и искать место для этого в “стройных” представлениях о культуре. А ведь это просто чья то душа. Комарады “Olivier” и “Random” , человечество давным давно придумало бируши (штуки такие для затыкания ушей, если вдруг не понятно), дабы не смущаться “осквернением”. Время рассудит чему и какое место, а не чьи либо местечковые представления,тем более отягощенные личной предвзятостью. Мира Вам. А эта музыка просто цепляет и поднимает настроение.