Inga Liljeström
trip hop // vocal downtempo

Inga Liljeström is Australian with Scandinavian roots and beautiful name (the ‘j’ is pronounced as a ‘y’ sound). And as the title of her recent album Elk (2005) indicates to the cold far north too, one could not expect icy landscapes surrounded by warm latin melodies. That’s how eclectic and rich the record is. It is captivating with its subtle beats, lush orchestrated music and cinematic atmosphere. The comparisons vary from Björk to Lamb and early Goldfrapp, but her own diverse experiences and knowledge of aesthetics in music industry distinguish her.
Movie-like, powerful and mesmerizing.
Inga Liljestrom – Phoenix
Inga Liljestrom – Bullet
buy this cd
Posted by Julija
on Saturday, October 7th, 2006 under electronic.
wow, a new lamb-esque sound! I was waiting for something like this as they’ve stopped producing new stuff together… no wait, I could always bring back some old lamb cds if I want to listen to this kind of sound… ;)
Lamb and Portishead in my head. Wonderfull, thankyou.
Wonderful post and a lovely find. Thank you.
cheers, Baby
so great !!!
keep on diggin’ mesmerizing music like this!
I instantly bought this cd on amazon…
The MP3s are 404’ing (2007-03-22)