experimental // shoegazing // idm

In elementary school, you like girls. In middle school, it’s
cute girls. In high school, it’s cute girls in the same classes as you. By now, you have an (un)determined set of specific criteria by which you select potential mates. Your personal maturity and development has made romantic compatibility into an elusive and challenging goal. Now personally, this song feels like it finds the nooks and crannies of my musical compatibility and fills them to fulfillment. Nothing exceptional stands out audibly, but it gives me the exact sonic mood that I need — in this case, complex beauty.
The electronica cover and original of a classic shoegazing tune.
Limp – Souvlaki Space Station
Slowdive – Souvlaki Space Station
buy this cd
Posted by Paul Irish
on Sunday, February 13th, 2005 under experimental, rock.
Additionally, Limp is comprised of Aerosol, Jess Kahr and ambient duo Manual and Syntaks.
The compliation of Slowdive covers, Blue Skied An’ Clear, is excellent, and features work by Ulrich Schnauss, Lali Puna, Stryofoam, Solvent, and Múm.
@#%#ing great!I need music like this.
Word. Anonymous, do check out my Telefon Tel Aviv post. Similar sounding stuff in there.
Holy christ! Exactly what I’ve been yearning for! Holy oh my god!
This shit is the mad notes! /me lubs these songs
updated version of – listen to new, unreleased and old tracks.
Thank you / Jakob