The Bamboos

funk // soul

The Bamboos are probably the finest funk band of the era. Sometimes infused with serious female vocal talent like Alice Russell, but often rocking a solid instrumental groove that needs no adornment, they got you covered; whether you’re a dancer or a head-nodder. Australian-based but signed to the UK’s Tru-Thoughts: their new single is firey hot. True story: this track has had my mom dancing daily since she heard it! Feel this.

A hook you cannot refuse.

The Bamboos – On The Sly

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13 Responses to “The Bamboos”

  1. Dana Ferrara :

    The vocalist is the amazing Kylie Auldist. If you haven’t purchased her cd, do it now.

  2. Alger :

    Love the song, adore the band, hate the embed that doesn’t stream on my system.

  3. J :

    You can also check the video on Youtube:

  4. pmhauer :

    stream only? really?

  5. Kyle :

    pmhauer, i was also surprised and saddened.

  6. Paul Irish :

    Thanks J, embedding was off on youtube so i had to go with that weird site. Now back to a vimeo embed. Much better. :)

  7. Jason Hackwith :

    Love it. Great video concept also, but the song has absolute staying power. Had it stuck in my head for two days after hearing it.

  8. Martina :

    you only needed to say Tru-Thoughts.
    That label can do no wrong…

  9. Ana :

    Just to congratulate all the authors of the blog.
    I´d just stumble upon this blog and CONGRATS!!! I´me not finishing earing all the posts, but until now, great taste!!
    And by the way, the bamboos great sound, you got me curious to check their albuns

  10. Lucy :

    I have to agree with Ana, I was searching through music sites and I really like your taste as well. Will be looking at many of these artists that I didn’t know about before.

  11. Joe Pacheco :

    This song is Great, I love her vocals. the hook is great! I’d love to work with a vocalist like Kylie Auldist

  12. Brandon :

    Great Stuff!

  13. Steve Pipkin :

    Finest funk band of the era. Yes they are good, but hard to say with the Dap Kings around.