Hey DJ Friday: Certified Bananas

Sizzling off Certified Bananas’ new mixtape Sprang, this hot little number stylishly blends the Little Mermaid classic with the baltimore club sound. Certified Bananas, based in Providence, are two very talented and kind gentlemen (Sammy Bananas recut this track exclusively for Aurgasm). You can hear their signature sound of club beats, retro tracks and clever mashups in the clubs of Boston and New York frequently. Seek ‘em out.

Certified Bananas – Kiss The Girl (Baltimore Remix)

UPDATE: If you’re feeling this, the boys are in Boston at the Enormous Room TONIGHT! Also, drop by Discobelle to peep their brand new exclusive mix ‘Sweden on Blast’. Holla.
buy this cd

10 Responses to “Hey DJ Friday: Certified Bananas”

  1. Paul Irish :

    In Boston CB does a fortnightly (that’s every 2 weeks, folks) at the Enormous Room.

    Watch their myspace page for more details on gigs and releases.

  2. Martin :

    More CB here, this mix is the shit:


  3. Certified Max :

    Hey Paul!

    Actually, the Enormous Room is once a month, the second Friday of the month…

    …which, it so happens, is TONIGHT! Come on out, Boston!

  4. Adam :

    Being from Baltimore, I’m very happy that our city finally has a “sound.” Now all they have to do is get a better motto than “Baltimore: Get In On It.”


    hey paul,
    how did you do the thing where your music directory is blocked from losers like me trying to steal everything? for example here on my site – http://www.pauldevro.com/mpfree can be browsed and mamed.
    Another Paul

  6. mags :

    oh man, i wish i were in boston. i bet their show would be a lot of fun.

  7. Kneuronak :

    Strange… but I like it. I know the song all too well, this is one of many remixes I’ve heard.


    Hummability- 5 of 5. Easily definable melody!


  8. Mistaker :

    Ariel was a fox

    CB’s sold their voices to an octopus woman for the ability to walk on dry land. The speak by using a highly advanced and well conceiled sampler. Hence Max’s convincing airhorn impression.

  9. k. :

    CERTIFIED BANANAS is the truth! NIce feature Paul.

  10. disaster :

    ha, awesome!
    love it.