electronic pop // dark house // minimal techno

Highly architected electronic pop where adroit melodies meet a barrage of synthesized subtlety. Each turn of the music is unexpected; each bar maintains a heavy dose of complexity that keeps your ears engaged all fifty times you listen. I’ve heard this type of music described as bleepy-bloopy, which I’ll admit is appropriate, albeit a bit classless. Trentemøller, a Dane who creates all his music in
Acid, takes a tack similar to the sonic landscapes of
Telefon Tel Aviv and Télépopmusik. Thought. Aesthetics. Intelligence.
The finest electronic music of the year.
Trentemøller – Take Me Into Your Skin
Trentemøller – Moan (feat. Ane Trolle)
buy this cd
Posted by Paul Irish
on Wednesday, September 27th, 2006 under electronic, scandinavian.
Classless? Indeed. Pigeon-holing his amazing sound by using the term bleepy-bloopy is the equivalent of using the term “doo-hickey” to describe a keyboard.
Couldn’t agree more. The finest of the year in electronica, indeed.
I like this a lot!
wow.. this is awesome!
very good
beautiful, beautiful.
As Bob Pirsig might say: Quality. Keep up the good work, P.
An “Irish” fan in Dublin
Excellent, the guy sure knows how to use Acid.
Being Danish gets better and better :-)
Video of trentemoller live:
Hey. Im a new comer to trentemoller. i love it. keep it up man!
you can here an even more amazing remix of Moan. Here Trentemøller’s good friend and singer/songwriter, Mikael Simpson is doing the vocals. I prefer this version. On Trentemøllers own MySpace ( you can here his own remix of the original version with Anne Trolle.
The files seem to be missing on the server. Any chance to listen to them?
If anyone is interested Trentemøller has just been announced on Roskilde Festvial where he will be orchestrating an electronic party for 50,000 people!
I, for one, am definently going :)
[…] since Trentemøller has an electronic artist approached his music with such delicacy. But while the Dane kept your […]
Fedeste musik! Totalt iorden!!!