Rebirth Brass Band
big band // new orleans brass band

Every song starts with a tuba. Not just your standard oom-pah oom-pah ploppy tuba, no sir – this comes at you ferocious. Following after the famed Dirty Dozen Brass Band, the ReBirth crew throws together a vivid concoction of loud, bright brass slamming you from all angles. You can immediately hear how much they love the music they’re making – the invigorating energy just streams right out of their horns. They don’t stress about slipping a clam, they just let it all hang out.
Listen in on the New Orleans brass band jam session.
Rebirth Brass Band – You Move Ya Lose
Rebirth Brass Band – Chameleon
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Posted by Paul Irish
on Friday, September 2nd, 2005 under other.
that moby song is beautiful, i remember its on at the end of the film heat. thankyou for posting that
Ahh, that’s a great Mogwai track.
Have you ever heard “Christmas Steps”? It is so simple but wow, so amazing.
so its cord
coming at you from the R-O-C library.
wow -i went to the site now that i finally can listen (yea broadband) and what do i find? my son, the audioblogger, with his priorities straight. way to be, paul! love, mom
well said, senor. Tasteful and good. Thank you.
Thank you for posting Moby’s piece on here. I just happened to stumble onto your site and thanks to you I have now picked up to a new genre of music to listen to that I have otherwise have no clue existed, thank you.