“skippy, choppy, and destructed…
“ “blipworld / fakegrass / speedblues / chamberclick / eccentrock / country&eastern / glitch post-anything music with samples, closely followed by ‘food band’.
“ “quick surges of crowd noise, vibraphone, guitar and bits of violin.
“ “they manage to squeeze every last ounce of beauty from these commonplace sounds and let them carry the songs here.
“ “their brilliant reassembly of tone into tune simultaneously created a genre and perfected it.
“ “also the sounds you use seem to be all fragments, like “found objects” really.
“ “We love beautiful surfaces that flow and pull us in, but we also love depth and nuance and invention…
“We are always trying to find that balance between emotional accessibility and musical innovation.“
Also, much love goes out to gabba pod with this post. They picked out the finest track from the new album, Lost And Safe, and beat me to it.
Tragically, co-founder Nick just passed away, at far too young of an age. Gabba was one of one of the most influential blogs and definitely the most innovative. They always hosted some of the freshest shit coming out of the community. Nick will be missed.
I’ve loved this band for a while, thanks for the new track!
Once again, I am so happy that you have a music blog! Thank you for your posts- they stoke me out all day and I look forward to the next post adventure.
Great stuff. Caused me to tell all my friends, “I listened to the coolest music today.”
I downloaded some songs
comes to hear my blog.. leave a suggestions if you want..
This reminds me of Animal Collective, but much more “industrialized.”
What a great discovery!
The Books…. and I’ve never heard them before!!!
Thank you Paul!
I go to buy them.
Salon.com just put out an exclusive download. It’s the Books’ “It Never Changes to Stop”.