Joe Cuba
french minimalist pop

Cute playful bounce. For all the people I’ve shared Mathieu with, “cute” is the most used descriptor upon first listen. It was definitely his fragrant and clean sound that first attracted me to him. His American fans affectionately call him “Booger” and he’s collaborated with Yann Tiersen
(composer of Amelie). That’s reason enough.
Boogaerts wields a unique pallete of sounds to create these simple and likable tunes. Listen in.
Mathieu Boogaerts – Sens
Mathieu Boogaerts – Ou
Posted by Paul Irish
on Monday, October 4th, 2004 under funk.
hi paul
that’s some frenzy conga here!
thanks to comment on my post too, but what do you mean exactly by atom feed?
Great song! As I listened closely, I could make out the words, “I’ll Never Go Back to Georgia”. Where have I heard that before? It’s Dizzy Gillespie: ‘Manteca’. Did some research and turns out he composed that tune with Chano Pozo.
It’s so cool how you turned me on to a new tune that magically linked back to something that I already know and love, encouraging me to go back and learn new things, and in the process learning to appreciate it all even more. Thanks.
Great track. NYC in the seventies was on some serious shit.
Track is found on Nu Yorica! Roots compilation if I’m not mistaken. All the Salsoul Nu Yorica! comps are blazin’!