Emily Loizeau

chanson française // singer-songwriter

Influenced by such French chanson classics as Serge Gainsbourg, the melancholic vein of American music idols, such as Tom Waits and Bob Dylan, and inventive Andrew Bird’s compositions, Emily Loizeau carefully crafts her tuneful melodies. Charming with her sincere joyfulness and wit, piano-playing singer and composer, Emily brings so much warmth and quirky freshness to nouvelle scène française. The playfulness of her debut album L’Autre Bout Du Monde (2006), its catchy choruses and certain cabaret pop moments, is infinitely enjoyable.

Whimsical piano fueled songwriting.

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5 Responses to “Emily Loizeau”

  1. Guuzbourg :

    nice one! L’Autre bout du monde has just been re-released, with an ep added with covers (Polnareff, Brassens, Neil Young), and videoclips. The clip for Je Suis Jalouse is a beauty, see here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gG87V09a7E

  2. Julija :

    Bonjour Guuz! Great news.
    The video is wonderful.

  3. Abhimanyu Ghoshal :

    I had the opportunity to see Emily live here in Bangalore, India. Her performance was nothing short of breathtaking. Her music seems ready to be plugged in as a background score for a film noir movie. And I couldn’t have discovered her at a better time, since I was just getting into electic artists like Tom Waits. Great stuff!

  4. Maryan Pelland :

    Hey! I came to Aurgasm through PC Mag’s list of favorite blogs. Relaly like what you’re doing and Emily is excellent. In fact, I like the experience so much I featured your blog in my own at DemystifyingDigital. I’ve already shared links to Aurgasm with several friends. Keep going- it’s good stuff!

    Maryan Pelland

  5. Rollmops im Kanzlerbunker :

    Best of Aurgasm – Rollmops Mixtape Vol.2…

    Julija lebt in Litauens Hauptstadt Vilnius, Paul kommt aus Boston, Massachusetts. Beide betreiben seit 2004 die Webseite aurgasm.us, mit der sie Musik vorstellen, die sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ostblock und Ostküste befindet. Das mag jetzt nach h…