The sugar-sweet and the macabre.
Anja Garbarek - Sleep
Anja Garbarek - The Last Trick
Post contributed by Julija
buy this cd
Launched two years ago, Aurgasm has developed into a destination of passionate music lovers around the globe. Its audience includes music mavens, critics, journalists, and bloggers—a highly influential audience. It has been profiled in The Boston Globe and mentioned on MSNBC.com, BoingBoing, Kottke, del.icio.us, and digg. Aurgasm specializes in everything not under the American rock umbrella—music such as: downtempo, folk, nu jazz, chanson, scandinavian, jazz, cuban, brazilian, electro, soul, jump blues, bluegrass, film score, and electronica.
A young man of twenty-five years, Paul's interest in music was initiated by his parents' rock band, playing The Standell's 'Dirty Water' in his basement. Since the mp3 format appeared on the internet, Paul has been eager to find his next favorite song.
His interests include: user experience design, emerging web trends, ecommerce, branding, maps, product design, typography, information design/overload, & sustainability.
Paul Irish
email: paul [atsign] aurgasm.us
AIM: Paullll Irish
Myspace: Paul's myspace
I listen to everything I'm sent, but I prefer music that isn't by a 'band'.
Julija is an art student in Vilnius, Lithuania fond of wine and contemporary design. Andrew (blog) is a travelling Scot who writes and currently lives in London.
A bit of good scratching is a great thing. Video was excellent.TVM. :))
Very nice!
Your vid is linked on i-am-bored (http://i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=18008) just arrived here while searching to find more...
Very cool. That's why it's gotten so many views. mad good.
Wow that's really great turntablism! Probably the most in tune collective I've heard in a while
You have the BEST blog on the net, hands down, in spite of the infrequent posts (or maybe because of the infrequent posts, it lets you keep the quality high). Thanks for another GREAT find.
Thank you, Derek. I do wish I posted more frequently, but meanwhile I definitely restrain needless posts to keep the quality high. Cheers!
Hi there, great blog. These parisian guys were excellent live a few days ago at The Fez Club in Reading (UK). If only they dropped a few more DnB into their mixture they would certainly be great. (June 2006)
Pretty cool. Until now, the only other song I knew of that featured a trip to the can was Bjork's There's More to Life Than This.
Hehe, that made me grin a bunch. Great find, Paul.
I just found your blog yesterday, and I thought I should let you know that you're doing an awesome job/service. After listening to the sample songs I bought Birdy Nam Nam and Rodrigo y Gabriela. I don't know that I ever would have found them with out your help. Thanks!
This is a great job u do here! respect! keep posting :)
great work, some of the most innovative turntablelism i've heard in a long time. big props! keep on scratching that itch!
that was the most beautiful thing i've seen/heard in quite a while. truly amazing.
I saw this boys the last week end on Scopitone Festival in the west of France.
It was so goog!!!
But I prefer RJD2!
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
I am so going to see these guys live at Dour :-) A friend of mine from NYC saw them perform there and said it was very good...
There are some more good videos at birdynamnam.com - I am especially fond of Le Chant des Baleines.
Wow. Someone I know was part of a front page post (the cool kids say FPP) on MetaFilter. You hit the big time now. The Boston Globe is one thing, but MetaFilter is pretty much Internet Hipster central. Much more your kind of audience.
This got me going no end, I want more!
That was incredible. I saw this at Defcon last Saturday, and was blown away. I somehow managed to find it here. Keep up the good work, I'll be coming back...
birdy nam nam owns for more videos/songs www.birdynamnam.com
hellfire that's incredd...
i'm buying that shytt today...
and planning a trip to france...
stunning vibez...
best i've heard in months...
gonna live my life to that movie...
oh yess ... :)
WOW! These two are hot. Why oh why do their import CD's have to be so expensive? However, it looks like I'll have something to add to my playlist when I'm in the mood for Pata Negra.
Glad you like them, Leo. You can buy their stuff direct from their website:
www.rodgab.com/shop.htm, though it is kinda pricey..
If I were you, I'd create an account for iTunes UK and see if you can get some more there. :) Cheers.
I see you added another of their songs! The first one is really awesome. I love it.
Thanks, Paul!
these are great - thanks for posting them
btw, their cover of Orion by Metallica is amazing - used to available for listening on their myspace site, might still be
Top top quality music post! I loovahh flamingo.
Check out the danish flamingo group "Flamingo Passion" they are nice too.
That video is stunning. :))
Some of the best stuff I've heard in a while. Thank you SO much for sharing. I'm blown away.
Dude I really should check this more often. These two are exactly what I've been looking for.
Gracias por tu estilo.
how fantastic! Diablo Rojo is the best thing I heard since months..! :)
Wow, Sounds good.
I'd call this tango metal.
I love it.
Sounds fragile, yet powerful.
Thanks for the tip.
I can't believe I hadn't heard of these two before. Thank you so much (as always)!
i just made reservations to see them this august...thanks for exposing me to them!!!
just saw them live in san fracisco...and they were amazing. i highly recommend going to their concert if they're in your area.
I'm going to see them in L.A. tonight. I can't wait. :)
that was an awsome Metallica-ish ending, i wanna see this Orion cover that "jam" mentioned.
I saw them last night in Somerville. I never seen such amazing music come out of just two guitars.
They played at the Cambridge Folk festival. They were interviewed for the BBC and said they started playing in a "trash-metal" band... so that may explain the resonance in their music (Metallica etc!)
its flaMENCO, not falminngo, dingbats
anyone give me an idea on the guitars these two are playing?
On their CD, they thank "Ovation" guitars...and I researched the Ovation website...a couple of guitars on there do look like the ones they play. Of course, they cost a small fortune. :)
Amazing duo...simply amazing.
They play custom built guitars by a guy called Frank Tate. Check their website. www.rodgab.com
After resolving some immigration issues, Rod y Gab are back in the states. Check out their updated tour schedule!
Apr 16 2007 Webster Hall New York
Apr 17 2007 Roxy Theatre (SOLD OUT) Boston
Apr 18 2007 Electric Factory Philidelphia
Apr 20 2007 National Geographic HQ (SOLD OUT) Washington DC
Apr 22 2007 Berbati's Pan (SOLD OUT) Portland, Oregon
Apr 23 2007 Aladdin Theatre ( SOLD OUT) Portland
Apr 24 2007 Showbox Theatre Seattle, Washington
Apr 26 2007Grand Ballroom @ Regency Center (SOLD OUT) San Francisco, California
Apr 27 2007 Santa Cruz @ Catalyst LA, California
Apr 29 2007 Coachella Festival California
May 1 2007 The Ogden Theatre Denver, Colorado
May 4 2007 Chicago @ Vic Theatre Illinois
The first link is broken, it should be http://aurgasm.us/tracks/Ane%20Brun%20-%20My%20Lover%20Will%20Go.mp3
Good stuff, as always!
I think I fixed it about the same time you posted your comment. Hah. :)
Thank you sir!
Yah! Go Ane! Check out the beautiful "This Voice" track also. Great sound.
And the newest album, "Duets" is also awesome.
simple purity. i love that music is starting to return to reality and to talent with soulful singers and actual songwriters making it back to the charts.
thanks for the ane. she is sublime and beautiful.
The Duke
Wow...that was a treat...thanks again.
I didn't know her - what a shame!
Gorgeous voice. I'm not usually a fan of the female voice but since being a part of this site I've discovered Imogen Heap, Claire Sproule and now Ane - thanks Aurgasm :)
Haven't heard that one in a dog's age. I can imagine having the chorus rattling around in ine's head. Where IS that from?
this piece closes out the movie "Snatch" - that's where i first heard it...
great song! Gooba-gooba-gooba-gooba!
The lyrics to "Don't You Just Know It"
I saw your blurb on this song (http://aurgasm.us/archive/2006_06_01_.html). I think I have managed to clarify the actual words to this song.
I had to listen to the Snatch soundtrack very closely, many times, and also surf, surf, surf the Web to finally get these. The culotte reference is to the whores in New Orleans who would walk the streets wearing culottes.
(Huey Smith & John Vincent)
(Artist: Huey "Piano" Smith and the Clowns)
(call and response)
I can't lose with the stuff I use. Don't you just know it?
Baby, don't believe I wear two left shoes. Don't you just know it?
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o.
Kuba kuba kuba kuba. Kuba kuba kuba kuba.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o.
Hey pretty baby, can we go strollin'? Don't you just know it?
You got me rockin' when I ought to rollin'. Don't you just know it?
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o.
Kuba kuba kuba kuba. Kuba kuba kuba kuba.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o.
Baby, baby, you're my blue heaven. Don't you just know it?
You got me pushin' when I oughta be shovin'. Don't you just know it?
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o.
Kuba kuba kuba kuba. Kuba kuba kuba kuba.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o.
I don't mind that culotte a bit. Don't you just know it?
Younger the couple, the tighter they squeeze. Don't you just know it?
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o.
Kuba kuba kuba kuba. Kuba kuba kuba kuba.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o.
Ah ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha. Hey-o. Hey-o…….
It's not
I don't mind that culotte a bit-
High on a mountain cool as a breeze-
Bobby Marchan sure tends to mumble-
Sorry, anon, I disagree... Maybe the chart said that. But the Snatch recording, well, I just do not hear "mountain cool as a breeze". Bobby Marchan was also a female impersonator, so maybe that was the message.
Maybe we will never know for sure what he was saying, I guess. It is a great song.
Ha! This is hilarious---true story----I had the lyrics "gooba gooba gooba goo-ba!" rattling around in my head. I could not for the life of me remember the name of the song or the artist, and it was driving me crazy. So I found this blog--perfect! Thanks!
Wouldn't you know it, I was thinking the same thing. One google search for "gooba gooba" "ha ha" and here I am. Now I need to dig out Snatch again and listen to this song again.
Thanks for giving a name to the chorus!
I thought the lyric in question was "I don't mind it, good or bad," but that's just me. I don't even know what culotte is.
i have the 45 record !!! It was my mother's record and when I was 4 years old, I wrote my age "4" and my initial "J" for Jason on it. I still play it for a selective few people that apreciate "real" music before music today was "Hollywood-ized" (If I may)The kicker was I wrote the "4" backwards ???? What was I thinking? Anyway, true story !
Bless you all !
Peace out !
Bem legal, valeu! A great way to start a day. I am off to tuning harmonica in a few minutes.
Yea, Gassenhauer has pure fun percussion! :)
Thought you were dead Paul:)
I recognized it instantly from True Romance... The version for that movie is made by Hanz Zimmer and called "You're so cool". Thanks!
Good post. FYI, though, "Carmina Burana" is not an opera like "La Boheme" or "Carmen." It's more correctly called a cantata, performed by an orchestra and chorus in a straightforward symphonic setting rather than in a dramatic setting like an opera.
This track is a gem.
Bet you didn't know this...but Carl Orff was the guy that came up with all the musical instruments that we have in elementary school. the xylophone looking things are called "Orff Intrumentarium" He's a god in the Music Education world
hmmm... i don't think they used the actual Orff piece in either True Romance or Me You & Everyone We Know - i think they were covers or reworkings by other artists, no?
Yeah, very likely. The info on the net is spotty, so I couldn't validate. So you're likely right..
I'd heard "O Fortuna" and the rest of Carmina Burana before, but this track is extraordinary.
I'm amazed that Hans Zimmer and/or Mark Mancina managed to get away without making it clear that they were so influenced by this when writing the theme to True Romance. The similarities are far too strong to be coincidental, and the connection really should be made more explicit.
I am a big fan of your music "O fortuna"(excalibur)..
I love this and all music of yours..
I was acutally looking for this record today in Tokyo and all I could find were countless versions of Carmina Burana - typical.
Came home disappointed - checked out the always excellent aurgasm - and found this great post, which cheered me up no end!
Cheers, I love it when unexpected sychronicity strikes.
Oh, man...finally. My father used to play this album ("Street Song") LOUD, and this first track has always triggered something deep and profound for me. I have been searching for it for years. Thanks.
The download link is broken, so no more song? Sigh.
We're playing this song in music class, for our concery. I'm playing the "woodpecker" part. the gggggggggg aaaaaaaaaa gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg aaaaaaaaaa gggggggggggggggggggg aaaaa ggggggggggggggg aaaaa
Yeah. I'm a master.
Nice, you guys. First track, great sound. Second really did sound like Emiliana. (nothing wrong there)
Also hear a big of Angela McCluskey in there. Also not a bad thing.
I'd have written: "You'll likely hear some Anja in Emiliana Torrini".
Oh, and I love your blog.
Well said Billie!
This time in english :p - nice contribution Julia. Intimate lyrics remind me of Amanda Rogers, but some of them are even...scary.
Thanks. :) Yes, indeed, Briefly Shaking is the darkest of her records so far. If speaking of the dark, intimate, haunting lyrics I think it's mostly comparable to Stina Nordenstam...
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